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Hitachi offers electronic components like semiconductors and display units for information technology and electronic product development.

IT products include:
10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch
ATM Switches
CAD/GIS Imaging Solutions
Enterprise/Large Scale Storage
Embedded Database - Entier
Fiber Optic Transceivers
Fiber Optics Solutions
Gigabit Ethernet Transport Systems
Gigabit Routers
Guided Wave Optical Components
Hard Disk Drives
Interactive Whiteboards
Multifunction Telephones
Optical Network Solutions
Optical Storage - Legacy
Professional Plasma Monitors
Servers - BladeSymphony
Storage Media
Storage Software Solutions
Telecommunications Software

Search for Hitachi products in ChipSeeker's Semiconductor Search, also try Chipseeker's Electronic Component Search, Connector Search or Die Search.

Contact Chipseeker today at: 1-877-go-eComp or email us. You'll get the value added technologies and services to help you succeed in today's most competitive markets.
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